Design Studio C, Ltd.

Automotive – Industrial

Fortune Motors

Fortune Motors

Rendering for proposed auto showroom.

Auto Parts City

Auto Parts City

Design Studio C, Ltd. worked closely with the owners from PUD approval through construction documents to develop an environmentally friendly automobile recycling facility.

Kerolite Oil, Golf Road

Kerolite Oil, Golf Road

A tunnel carwash, detail center, convenience store and gas station were all compactly designed to fit onto this tight lot.

Mr. Carwash

Mr. Carwash

This tunnel carwash and detail center features metal fins along the tunnel approach.

 HyWay Auto Sales

HyWay Auto Sales

A modest facelift cleaned up an eyesore for the new owners of this used auto sales facility.

Kerolite Oil, Lasalle and Clark

Kerolite Oil, Lasalle and Clark

Preliminary studies were created for enlarging a convenience store under an iconic concrete canopy on a tight lot.

Kerolite Oil, 35th & Ashland

Kerolite Oil, 35th & Ashland

DSC enlarged and updated this convenience store featuring a large entry and barrel-vaulted retail space.

Genesis Racing Development

Genesis Racing Development

This proposed automotive accessory installation facility featured a modern facade.
